As I walked over the dreamy river...
The ice was thawing. floating with bits & bergs..
Wind shook the bare trees..
I try to cross the bridge..when i do i hear the thud..
I hesitate.. I stop look around..
I looked at him..
And this is what he said....
"I was ice when I began.."
"I was small when I first touched the sand"
"He wasn't ready to give in"
"I moved little by little looking at him head to head"
"Yes I did melt .. I wearied a little. but I didnt stop"
"I moved along..waiting for things to pass on"
"I met others like me.. this time we were one fighting him(sand) "
"There were few friendly trees we carried along.."
"We left no body.. stones,trees,flowers,leaves..just about everything
sometimes even the rebellious sand"
"We protected.. when they breathed with in us"
"Some saw us.. so they rained on us.. some flowed into us"
" We had learned how to live with them (sand) "
"Just when we thought things were just fine"
"It started becoming cold "...
"Some of us slowed.. others moved .."
"Things started becoming... tough..."
"We stopped.. we still held.. to our dream"
"We knew nobody could stop.. as longs as we believed.. "
"Days passed into months.. but as days went by
.. the stronger and closer we became..."
"Friends.. left.. those we protected...
we still protected.."
"Then one day.. there was a hope"
"Slowing we moved .. it was tough to move again"
"The old flame was ignited.."
"The old dream of reaching the place came back"
"Now you see me.. happy again..
but I have seen it all warm hot and cold"
"Remember we aren't here for the hot and cold"
"All of us would someday reach the place.."
"It is about how live while we flow"
I smiled.. I turned .. I crossed the bridge..