Tethered was I by life's uncertainties..
Meekly i followed the herd....
Though I did know they had signs of maverick...
Hunting for signs I thought...was there some thing in them..
hmm..I told myself why bother just follow
Getting to know was an easy affair...
with a "hi" "hello" and "how do you do?"
The energy was slowing ratcheting up
Though enjoying I was still clueless whom was I meeting...
As the rumbling(conflict with in the mind) continued it was vaguely clear...
I was meeting the stories and people I felt I had met earlier..
The stories were transforming into images...
As for people I thought I was meeting my siblings of faith...
slowing people were no more people... they were virtues,they were learning..
they were unlearning....
As time passed I was amazed at what the
conglomeration of thoughts could do !!!!!!
We are all prisoners to a perspective of a prism...
which endorses the virtues of selfishness.
Misery,hatred,conflict all have their justification..
But fight we have to...
Because ....As they say
"Only an Idea can fight Another Idea"